The boys hands are dripping with Red
He runs to the sink
Wishing to wash and go straight to his bed
Scared of the crime
His hands have just committed
Knowing his heart
Can’t handle the time
Hoping if they catch him
He’ll be just fine
His are wet
They hover up and look in the mirror
He jumps back in shock
Startled by the horror
His face has changed from a boy to Red
Red is the devil
His humanity is dead
The Red pulls him close
“You ain’t going to your bed
Finally you see the truth in you
As you are me
And I am not you
You’ve forgotten your face
After all this time
You know the truth in your heart
Yes that’s the right place
From the beginning I killed
Caveman to Caveman
Then I had to think of better nasty plans
My favourite were the Egyptians
Then the Samurai
Then I became bored with playing with just I
But then there was more fun to come
With Christians killing Muslims
And Muslims defiling Jews
All these games made headline news
This was all a game to give him his dues
What boy you think this is all a ruse
Look into my eyes and hear something true
My greatest trick was to myself
I don’t exist
So I put on some skin, smiled and vanished
So remember this as you wash
Your hands and go to your bed
Man is me
You I’m not
And I Am The Red.”
Written 2003
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