Clear Cut Glass CH 15 – Ten Million Likes

  The last buzzer of the day sounded. Lelani looked out of her office window to the outer corridor. The empty hallway suddenly flooded with a school of students, swimming to their lockers to dump the day’s textbooks inside and collect what they need for the night’s homework. They laughed, giggled and shouted as they darted Read more about Clear Cut Glass CH 15 – Ten Million Likes[…]

Clear Cut Glass CH14 – Cigarettes and Vapes

  Lelani walked  around the school playground where some of the students were conjugating before their morning tutor session. She was not on playground duty but she liked to watch the students mess around before school officially started. As it was british secondary school there was a varied age range of students between 11 and 16. Read more about Clear Cut Glass CH14 – Cigarettes and Vapes[…]

Clear Cut Glass Ch13- With You, At Yours.

  Lelani wrapped her arms tightly around the waist of her new friend. They had been dancing together for the majority of the evening. She had been trying to enjoy his masculine body in a covert way as they both swayed in time with the playing music. She didn’t want to make it too obvious that Read more about Clear Cut Glass Ch13- With You, At Yours.[…]

Clear Cut Glass Ch12 – Wake The Whole House

  Sam crouched on the floor searching her cupboards frantically. She knew that she wasn’t going to find what she was looking for but if there was a slight possibility that one loose medication had fallen out of the box then she was willing to search for it. Sam pulled out everything that resided inside the Read more about Clear Cut Glass Ch12 – Wake The Whole House[…]

Clear Cut Glass CH11 – One Per Day

  Sam shot up from a deep deep sleep. She panted heavily as she caught her bearings and looked around. She was in bed, it took her a second to remember that. She looked to her side. James was fast asleep beside her in his usual spot, sleeping in his usual position, in his usual way. Read more about Clear Cut Glass CH11 – One Per Day[…]

Clear Cut Glass Ch10 – A Good Morning

  Sam woke up in the middle of the night. She slowly stirred in the warm comfort of her duvet. She felt a warm presence next to her. She slowly turned onto her opposite side towards the source of heat emanating from the opposite side of the bed. It was James. He slept soundly next to Read more about Clear Cut Glass Ch10 – A Good Morning[…]

Clear Cut Glass Ch9 – Mas, Ms Marsy & Ivy

  Maybe you should start cooking the dinner or get something on for your daughter. Don’t worry so much about the mess in here. We can clean it another time. She won’t mind if it’s a bit messy either. Kids are messy.      “She thinks I’m a beast. She hates me.”     She loves you and Read more about Clear Cut Glass Ch9 – Mas, Ms Marsy & Ivy[…]

Clear Cut Glass Ch7 – Dr. Martin

  Rees sat in his office twirling his pen around on his work desk. He had three appointments assigned throughout the day but he had cancelled them, rescheduling them to later on during the week. He wasn’t currently in his right frame of mind. He was distracted. Unsettled. Rees thought it unprofessional and distasteful to sit Read more about Clear Cut Glass Ch7 – Dr. Martin[…]