My 2 Pennies Worth – The Will of Rock at the Oscars

 Now that the dust has settled It would not be a hard guess at this current point in time if I asked you what was the number one topic streaming on social media at the moment, other than men waging war against their fellow man.  It’s been on everyone’s lips Will Smith slapping Chris Rock Read more about My 2 Pennies Worth – The Will of Rock at the Oscars[…]

My 2 Pennies Worth – Valentines Lockdown

  Valentine’s day has come and gone this year to find a lot of you beautiful, lovely, pink and red heart shaped couples locked up in the house under Covid19 restrictions and it has been a tough time for many a great couple. Some of us have found this time a welcoming experience where those normal Read more about My 2 Pennies Worth – Valentines Lockdown[…]


“When you throw yourself wholeheartedly into something that is when interesting things happen.”   “For anyone to understand what you’re saying 100% they have to know you 100%”   “Beware those that constantly attack your character for that is a Declaration Of War”   “The Universe is a reflective Engine Give Nothing and Get Nothing Read more about Quotes[…]

My 2 Pennies Worth –  Keep Your Hands To Yourself

  In recent months across social media (smp) mainly Instagram, I have come across a number of posts from female influencers speaking out against rape culture, what it is, what consent is not and naming and shaming male followers who have continuously participated in inappropriate behaviour towards the influencers even though they have been asked Read more about My 2 Pennies Worth –  Keep Your Hands To Yourself[…]