Clear Cut Glass Ch10 – A Good Morning

  Sam woke up in the middle of the night. She slowly stirred in the warm comfort of her duvet. She felt a warm presence next to her. She slowly turned onto her opposite side towards the source of heat emanating from the opposite side of the bed. It was James. He slept soundly next to Read more about Clear Cut Glass Ch10 – A Good Morning[…]

My 2 Pennies Worth –  Keep Your Hands To Yourself

  In recent months across social media (smp) mainly Instagram, I have come across a number of posts from female influencers speaking out against rape culture, what it is, what consent is not and naming and shaming male followers who have continuously participated in inappropriate behaviour towards the influencers even though they have been asked Read more about My 2 Pennies Worth –  Keep Your Hands To Yourself[…]

Clear Cut Glass Ch9 – Mas, Ms Marsy & Ivy

  Maybe you should start cooking the dinner or get something on for your daughter. Don’t worry so much about the mess in here. We can clean it another time. She won’t mind if it’s a bit messy either. Kids are messy.      “She thinks I’m a beast. She hates me.”     She loves you and Read more about Clear Cut Glass Ch9 – Mas, Ms Marsy & Ivy[…]

Clear Cut Glass Ch7 – Dr. Martin

  Rees sat in his office twirling his pen around on his work desk. He had three appointments assigned throughout the day but he had cancelled them, rescheduling them to later on during the week. He wasn’t currently in his right frame of mind. He was distracted. Unsettled. Rees thought it unprofessional and distasteful to sit Read more about Clear Cut Glass Ch7 – Dr. Martin[…]

Clear Cut Glass Ch6 – Lovely Bathrobe Of Yours

  Rees laid on the sofa with an ice cold bag of peas pressed against his nose. It helped to sooth the pain. He looked over at the time on a big golden clock on the wall. It was nearing 2am. The house was quiet. Rees couldn’t really remember how he had left the party. He Read more about Clear Cut Glass Ch6 – Lovely Bathrobe Of Yours[…]

Clear Cut Glass Ch5 – The New Friend

  Rees knocked on the front of a large brown wooden door. The number 47 was hanging at a slight crooked angle on the door frame.The sound of early 90’s hip hop gently pounded through the building. Rees reached up to straighten the crooked number, even its fixture was loose, when he let go it swung Read more about Clear Cut Glass Ch5 – The New Friend[…]

Clear Cut Glass Ch4 – Morning Mr. Warren

  Oscar Cleared away Lily’s breakfast things and put them into the sink. He would wash them up later, depending on the situation, when Lily had gone. He had already cleaned up the broken shards from her smashed phone screen. Oscar was still bewildered that she had actually thrown her phone on the floor. Oscar shook Read more about Clear Cut Glass Ch4 – Morning Mr. Warren[…]

Clear Cut Glass Ch3 – Why are you eating Breakfast

  Oscar woke up from a very light sleep. It wasn’t the kind of good sleep one gets when they are exhausted and the body completely shuts down the night before; waking you up to the rays of the sun completely recharged and refreshed ready to go out into the day. No; it was a different Read more about Clear Cut Glass Ch3 – Why are you eating Breakfast[…]

Clear Cut Glass Ch2 – Ruckus in the Hallway

  Oscar walked up the stairs to his apartment block. His hands were shaking as he reached for the railing. His throat was sticky. He had decided to walk up the stairs to shake off the feeling, it wasn’t as bad as when he had left the party but it was still there, still lingering. When Read more about Clear Cut Glass Ch2 – Ruckus in the Hallway[…]